Backpacking The Thousand Island Lake Loop to Ediza and Iceberg Lakes.

Backpacking the River Trail to Thousand Island Lake, Iceberg Lake and Ediza Lake will wind you up towards one of the most breathtaking mountain ranges in the Sierras, the Ritter Range. This loop is about 25 miles long and has an overall elevation gain of 4,665ft. The loop will go south on the John Muir Trail […]

Backpacking Duck Pass to Pika and Purple Lakes

Backpacking Duck Pass to Pika and Purple Lakes | SomewhereSierra

Backpacking Duck Pass To Pika and Purple Lakes via the Duck Lake Trail is about 17 miles. This trail gains roughly 3,556 ft of elevation and is a moderate trail with decent foot traffic. This is a point to point trail that crosses up and over Duck Pass. This trail meets up with the John […]

Backpacking The Big Pine Lakes Trail

Second Lake | Big Pine Lakes Trail | Somewhere Sierra

Backpacking the full loop of the Big Pine Lakes is a 16.2 mile trail that gains 4,051 in elevation. Many people choose to hike the 10 mile out-and-back trail to Second Lake, a picturesque setting with a proud Temple Crag grandly sitting in the background. The trail is rated as difficult on Alltrails. Best Time […]

Backpacking the Lost Coast Trail

Backpacking the Lost Coast Trail | Somewhere Sierra

The Lost Coast Trail is a 25 mile thru-hike on the Northern California Coast. The LCT is California’s wildest and most remote coastlines and follows along sandy beaches, rocky shores, and grassy beach bluffs. Stretches along the trail are only crossable during low tide and best hiked during the spring/fall months for less crowds. Permits […]